Guillaume Staerman

Publications and Preprints

Point Processes and Neuroimaging (MEG, EEG)

  • FaDIn: Fast Discretized Inference for Hawkes Processes with General Parametric Kernels (ICML 2023)
    Guillaume Staerman, Cédric Allain, Alexandre Gramfort, Thomas Moreau  [arxiv]

Robust Inference

  • Hypothesis Transfer Learning with Surrogate Classification Losses: Generalization Bounds through Algorithmic Stability (ICML 2023)
    Anass Aghbalou, Guillaume Staerman  [arxiv]

  • A Pseudo-Metric between Probability Distributions based on Depth-Trimmed Regions (TMLR, 2024)
    Guillaume Staerman, Pavlo Mozharovskyi, Stephan Clémençon, Florence d'Alché-Buc  [arxiv, code]

  • Affine-Invariant Integrated Rank-Weighted Depth: Definition, Properties and Finite Sample Analysis (Electronic Journal of Statistics, 2023)
    Guillaume Staerman, Pavlo Mozharovskyi, Stephan Clémençon  [paper, code]

  • Generalization Bounds in the Presence of Outliers: a Median-of-Means Study (ICML 2021)
    Pierre Laforgue, Guillaume Staerman, Stephan Clémençon  [arxiv]

  • When OT meets MoM: Robust estimation of Wasserstein Distance (AISTATS 2021)
    Guillaume Staerman, Pierre Laforgue, Pavlo Mozharovskyi, Florence d'Alché-Buc  [arxiv, code]

  • The Area of the Convex Hull of Sampled Curves: a Robust Functional Statistical Depth Measure (AISTATS 2020, oral)
    Guillaume Staerman, Pavlo Mozharovskyi, Stephan Clémençon  [arxiv, code]

Anomaly Detection

  • Unsupervised Layer-wise Score Aggregation for Textual OOD Detection (AAAI 2024)
    Maxime Darrin, Guillaume Staerman, Eduardo Gomes, Jackie CK Cheung, Pablo Piantanida, Pierre Colombo  [arxiv]

  • A Functional Perspective on Multi-Layer Out-of-Distribution Detection (Submitted)
    Eduardo Gomes, Pierre Colombo, Guillaume Staerman, Nathan Noiry, Pablo Piantanida  [openreview]

  • Toward Stronger Textual Attack Detectors (Findings of EMNLP 2023)
    Pierre Colombo, Guillaume Staerman, Marine Picot, Nathan Noiry, Pablo Piantanida  [paper]

  • A Halfspace-Mass Depth-Based Method for Adversarial Attack Detection (TMLR, 2023)
    Marine Picot, Frederica Granese, Guillaume Staerman, Marco Romanelli, Francisco Messina, Pablo Piantanida, Pierre Colombo  [openreview]

  • A Simple Unsupervised Data Depth-based Method to Detect Adversarial Images (Submitted)
    Marine Picot, Guillaume Staerman, Nathan Noiry, Francisco Messina, Pablo Piantanida, Pierre Colombo  [openreview]

  • Beyond Mahalanobis-based Scores for Textual OOD Detection (NeurIPS 2022)
    Pierre Colombo, Eduardo Gomes, Guillaume Staerman, Nathan Noiry, Pablo Piantanida  

  • Functional Anomaly Detection: a Benchmark Study (JDSA 2022)
    Guillaume Staerman, Eric Adjakossa, Pavlo Mozharovskyi, Vera Hofer, Jayant Sen Gupta, Stephan Clémençon  [arxiv]

  • Functional Isolation Forest (ACML 2019)
    Guillaume Staerman, Pavlo Mozharovskyi, Stephan Clémençon, Florence d'Alché-Buc  [arxiv, code]

Applications to NLP

  • A Novel Information Theoretic Objective to Disentangle Representations for Fair Textual Classification (Findings of AACL 2023)
    Pierre Colombo, Guillaume Staerman, Nathan Noiry, Pablo Piantanida  [arxiv]

  • Learning Disentangled Textual Representations via Statistical Measures of Similarity (ACL 2022, oral)
    Pierre Colombo, Guillaume Staerman, Nathan Noiry, Pablo Piantanida  [arxiv]

  • Automatic Text Evaluation through the Lens of Wasserstein Barycenters (EMNLP 2021, oral)
    Pierre Colombo, Guillaume Staerman, Chloé Clavel, Pablo Piantanida  [arxiv, code]